Long tail pro free download
Long Tail Pro Overview
How to know my regular readers, like most contributed to the success of my project niche website is keyword research.
Yes, it is extremely important!

And the software that helps me relieve some keyword research is Long Tail Pro was created by Spencer Haws in NichePursuits.
Long tail pro
I have used this tool for years and I’m a big fan of his ow. It is very well worth the money. In today’s post I want to give you a deep look at the Long Tail Pro and to explain why I call this as the best tool for keyword research.


Keyword Research
Long Tail Pro is FASTER than ever! I’m talking 8x FASTER than Market Samurai. Find up to 800 keywords per seed keyword – with the ability to capture literally thousands of keywords in seconds.
Find out how many people are actually searching a keyword or phrase each month.

Pay-Per-Click Analysis:
What competitors are willing to pay to have their ads display when people search a keyword is a MAJOR factor when determining lucrative markets.

Competitor Analysis:
Save countless hours by having Long Tail Pro quickly analyze the top 10 results in Google for each of your keywords. Find out important SERP data like keyword usage in the Title and Meta tags, Domain & Page Authority, Moz Rank, Pagerank, # of Backlinks, Domain Age

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